WordPress Theme Logic is Our Specialty

Are WordPress theme issues stressing you out?

  • Is Your Site Not Looking Like the Demo?
  • SEO Not Showing Up?
  • Are Your Sliders Not “Sliding”?
  • Did Your Site Crash After an Update?
  • Are Your Menus Overlapping or Wrapping?
  • Does Nothing Makes Sense Anymore!?!

Professional Help is a Phone Call Away

At the WordPress Learning Center, we understand how confusing a WordPress theme can be. We have worked on thousands of WordPress themes! Just when we think we have seen it all, another WordPress theme rolls out with confusing or missing theme options, no documentation, and little to no support from the developer.

 FREE CONSULTATION: Call 877-844-9931 


The Problem: Every WordPress Theme Is Different

Since 2003 WordPress themes have been confusing and frustrating bloggers and web developers alike. Why?

  • Theme developers don’t provide documentation
  • There are no theme development standards
  • Themes don’t come with video tutorials
  • There is no system for live support


In short, it’s almost impossible to get the answers you need to manage your WordPress website.

The WordPress Learning Center vs. All Other Resources

Why Webinars, Seminars, Tutorials and Tech Manuals Usually Don’t Help
Most, if not all, of the other resources available will teach you how to manage a basic theme. Usually these options teach you about the bare-bones WordPress Themes included by default when you first install WordPress, or a WordPress theme that you have never heard of and do not want to use.

Common examples of time wasting resources:

  • Training videos about irrelevant, out-dated themes
  • Boring, hard to read technical manuals with six-point font
  • Webinars with 35 other individuals scrambling for attention
  • Traveling to a costly seminar and finding out it’s not what they promised


Why are these time wasters?
Trying to translate what you have just learned across themes is not an easy task. More often than not you will have more questions than when you first began their training!

We Can Help

We will work past the lack of documentation and developmental standards to help you understand your theme’s functionality.

With our live training we will:

  • Train you on your theme so you can learn hands-on
  • Answer specific questions about your WordPress issues
  • Provide a set of basic training tutorial videos free of charge
  • Provide live support whenever you get stuck in the future

 FREE CONSULTATION: Call 877-844-9931

We have a variety of training programs focusing on different aspects of WordPress applications, and all of our training can be customized to your specific training needs. 

We will train you on your own WordPress website. This means you will learn, hands-on, how to use your own WordPress theme.

Schedule Your Free Consultation